From The River Of Heaven
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Books By David Frawley
Images are forms of art; paintings, sculpture. They serve to draw the artistic mind to the Divine and connect up our creative and spiritual natures. They aid in the concentration of our mental and emotional energies to the Divine. Religions that deny the use of this creative access to the Divine are incomplete. They separate God from nature, man from God and man from man. They do not allow for the spiritualization of the world or the human realization of the Divine. A culture which does not use all forms of art to glorify or access the Divine is not yet mature. 

There is thus a scientific way to use images to draw out the deeper powers and potentials of our psyche. We learn to see in the human appearance the indwelling divinity. We learn to see that we are all no more than images or appearances of a deeper Divine consciousness. In this way most of us can benefit spiritually through the right use of images, though it is certainly not the only way to develop our inner potentials. 


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About Universal Form Of Worship: Temples, Puja And Homa
Universal Form Of..Pg1
Devotional Worship: Pg1 
Devotional Worship: Pg2
The Fire Offering: Pg1
The Fire Offering: Pg2
The Fire Offering: Pg3
The Use Of Images-Pg1
The Use Of Images-Pg2