Understanding the Change:
The world circumstances have very much
changed now. During the past two or three centuries, the world has experienced
such a rapid change as was never witnessed over thousands of years in the past.
The inventions relating to communications have made the world smaller. Within a
few hours one can get any piece of information from any quarter of the world.
The scientific developments have whetted the desire for extensive and exact
knowledge and also inspired confidence in acquiring it. In such circumstances it
is essential that the Indian history books are made up-to-date. The utility of
Indian history is now not limited to the Indians only. The world wants to know
it and learn from it. A long interval has passed since books on Indian history
were compiled according to the Bharateeya historiography. Fresh effort is
most urgent. The changed circumstances should also be taken note of. In this new
recension, in addition to the original qualities of Indian historiography, some
complementary details, like the chronology for some thousands of years, may be
added to facilitate the foreigners to understand it.