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Bharateeya Historiography
Data Collectors:

Data collection, though a must for history writing, is a time consuming and very tedious work. It will be properly done by those who are interested in that, who take it as their duty towards the nation and who are convinced that this work will be useful for humanity. Those who work only for remuneration will not be able to collect ample and correct data in a stipulated time. It may not be trustworthy also. A large number of such devoted persons will be required as the data for all the subjects and all the districts is to be collected. A proper plan should be drawn and the work should be organized on all India level. It will be a centrally planned scheme working under a big organization. The nature of the work will select the proper individuals just like a plant collects the useful matter for its growth from the soil and nature. Progress will be possible only when such persons are selected. The data collectors will have to work without a bias in their minds about the date of an event or its version. Their work is to collect all the available material. By collection of sufficient data the question about the date or version of an event will also be solved. For example, there are two dates for the birth of Adi Shankara, one in the sixth century BC and the other in the eighth century AD. With the progress in work, when sufficient information about many subjects or events of those two centuries becomes available, then, on the basis of contemporaneity of the events, the collected information will facilitate the decision of the date of Adi Shankara.

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Fresh Responsibility
Understanding The Change
Westerner's Urge To Know The Secrets Of Longevity
Integral Comprehensive Approach
Long Discontinuity
Slow Indian Pace
Speed Of Britishers
Vyasa's Organized Work
Data Collection
Data Collectors
Seers Will Bloom