Great efforts will be required to
compile the above mentioned comprehensive history, There is one
difficulty also. Vyasa's compilation of ancient Indian history is
known to be the last one. It was compiled, according to the
tradition, just after the Mahabharata War. Very less information is
available from the date of the Bharata War till the time of Buddha.
Some scholars attribute this to natural calamities like
earth-quakes, sand-storms, heat and cold waves, etc.. Whatever be
the reasons that information is meager. After the Buddha, from the
sixth century BC India has faced constant invasions from foreigners.
Many of them were barbarous by nature and have destroyed the
historical source material. These invasions have continued for
thousands of years. it is definitely creditable to India that it
defended itself against such powerful invaders who had destroyed
empires like the Roman and the Persian. But Indians were not able to
devote time for constructive social activities like historiography,
possible in peaceful circumstances. This discontinuance is a
difficulty which the new compilers will have to face and will have
to increase the enormity of their efforts.