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Bharateeya Historiography
Data Collection:

Collection of historical data is the first necessity for compilation. The necessary source material can be found in many countries apart from India i.e., Bharat of 1947 creation. It is now firmly established that in the first millennium BC, India had close contacts with countries from Greece, in the west up to China in the east. Many scholars are attributing Indian impact even on the ancient Maya and Inca civilizations of America. Data should be collected from all these countries. Maximum information, of course, will be available in India, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Nepal, Tibet, Burma, Sri Lanka and the south-east Asian countries. All this should be sorted out subjectwise, districtwise and countrywise or according to the Brihaspati Cycles of Kali Era. Subjectwise information will facilitate writing a comprehensive history of all subjects. Disrictwise information will be useful for presenting an all India picture of history and the cyclewise information can be used to set up a continuous chronology acceptable to all, at least for some thousands of years. Whatever data is available should all be collected.


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Fresh Responsibility
Understanding The Change
Westerner's Urge To Know The Secrets Of Longevity
Integral Comprehensive Approach
Long Discontinuity
Slow Indian Pace
Speed Of Britishers
Vyasa's Organized Work
Data Collection
Data Collectors
Seers Will Bloom