Major Sections
Bharateeya Historiography
Vyasa's Organized Work :

Vyasa and his team of devoted scholars also had worked in an organized manner. They had compiled history books after collecting maximum possible data then available in various parts of India. All the data was sorted out into some divisions and each division was allotted to a group of able scholars. This organization worked in a systematic way securing cooperation from various disciplines and arriving at concurrent decisions after sufficient discussions. They were required to put in strenuous efforts spread over a number of years. The books thus compiled got recognition and respect from all over India.

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Fresh Responsibility
Understanding The Change
Westerner's Urge To Know The Secrets Of Longevity
Integral Comprehensive Approach
Long Discontinuity
Slow Indian Pace
Speed Of Britishers
Vyasa's Organized Work
Data Collection
Data Collectors
Seers Will Bloom