The site plan of
the Srisailam temple is given. The enclosure to the
temple forms roughly a square measuring five hundred feet from east to west and six
hundred feet from north to south. On the northern, southern and eastern sides are lofty
gateways. In the centre of the outer enclosure, is a stone enclosure containing the main
temple. The main temple of Lord Mallikarjuna stands in the centre of this inner courtyard
and is surrounded by a number of minor, shrines. The temple of Bhramaramba or the Amman
temple as it is popularly known is in a separate enclosure west of the inner courtyard.
The main temple is a little structure, consisting of a cell
enshrining the Lord in the form of a Linga and with a small pillared porch attached to the
front. The main temple of Mallikarjuna is a stone-built structure, and in front of the
shrine, does the Vijayanagar king Harihara build the exquisitely carved Mukha mantapa or
the pillared hall the second in 1404-1405 A.D. It contains several beautifully sculptured
stone pillars and ornamental stone eaves. The most valuable and sacred object within the
temple is an exquisitely carved bronze image of Lord Siva, in the form of Nataraja. The
idol is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, and induces Bhakti and devotion by its mere
presence. |