Temples & Legends Of Andhra
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Temples & Legends Of
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The Sthalamahatmyam
of the temple has a very interesting story, regarding the origin of the temple, where a
princess called Chandravati who was the daughter of a Gupta King called Chandragupta, is
said to have offered daily a garland of Jasmine flowers to the God in Srisailam and
eventually married him. This legend embodied in the Sthalamahatmyam is partly represented
in detail in one of the stone records of the 16th century in this temple. "Years ago, there lived a princes named Chandravati who was the daughter
of a rajah who ruled from the Chandragupta patnam, on the northern bank of the Krishna
River. Her father was a valiant warrior who used to be absents from his courting quite
often due to his other pre-occupations. The Princes Chandravati grew up into a beautiful
maiden. She was very pious and devoted by nature and due to a domestic calamity, she went
to the forest of Srisailam on the southern side of the river for prayer and penance. She
took nothing with her except faithful herdsmen and some cattle. |
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