Temples & Legends Of Andhra
Pradesh |
Temples & Legends Of
India |
In the temple in
addition to the stone carvings, there is an important bronze image of Siva. This is one of
the most exquisite bronze images of Andhra Desa. It represents Lord Siva in the dancing
pose. A mere photograph gives one a very poor idea of the surprising beauty of this image.
The superb modeling of the body, limbs, hands and feet, and the artistic treatment of the
flowing girdle around the waist, could hardly be surpassed. It represents Lord Siva, in
the Tandava pose. The right upper hand is holding the Damaruka, while the lower presents
the raised palm of protection or 'Abhaya hasta'. The left upper hand holds a flame of
fire, and the lower arm is inclined across the breast in the 'Gaja-hasta' pose. The right
foot stands on the back of the demon 'Apasmara' and Lord Siva is seen whirling around
wearing a lofty headdress. This dance of Lord Nataraja symbolizes the action of cosmic
energy in creating, preserving and destroying the visible universe. 'There is also another
bronze image of Lord Siva as Somaskandha, which shows Siva and Parvati seated together on
a lotus pedestal, with the child Skandha standing in between them. |
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