Temples & Legends Of Andhra
Pradesh |
Temples & Legends Of
India |
The princess was
living with the herdsman and the cattle, and living mainly on the forest produce, and upon
the milk produced from the cows. She noticed that, one black cow out of her herd, was not
giving any milk at all. She thereupon instructed the herdsman to find out the reason for
this, and to watch the cow. The herdsman hid himself behind the cow, and watched its
movements and came back and reported, that it Was not yielding any milk, because it gave
up all its milk during the course of its wanderings, form of a Linga. The princess also
witnessed the scene. That night Lord Siva appeared in a dream before her and told her,
that the black stone lying in the forest was nothing but a manifestation of the Lord
Himself. He enjoined upon the princess, the necessity for building a temple round his own
linga. This is said to be the origin of the first temple in Srisailam.
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