Temples & Legends Of Andhra
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There is also a
good representation of the Kiratarjuniya story in one panel. When Arjuna, the hero of the
Mahabharata, was doing penance to obtain from Lord Siva, the powerful Pasupatha, Lord Siva
in order to test his power of devotion, appeared before him, in the guise of a wild
hunter, accompanied by Parvati, similarly dressed, and with the retinue of Sivaganas in
the same guise. They drove a wild boar towards Arjuna who was performing the penance.
Arjuna on seeing the charging boar, and being a skilful Warner, shot it dead with
his arrow. At the same time, Lord Siva also shot the boar with his arrow, and since both
the arrows struck the boar, a dispute arose between the hunter and Arjuna as to whom had
actually killed the boar. The controversy became bitter and Lord Siva as The hunter, and
Arjuna started wrestling. Naturally no one could stand.
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