The other story
is that Keshav Roy Choudhurys, another Sabarna Zamindar and a confirmed Shakta had a dream
and discovered the image. He brought out the image and consecrated the place where the
temple was built. It is said that he first built a small temple and later Rajib Lochan Roy
Choudhurys took permission from the Collector, Mr. Elliard and constructed the present big
temple. There is another story that some Kapalik
Sanyasis were going to the confluence of the river Ganga and the sea (Sagar-dwip) and
while passing through the jungle, they found a piece of stone and immediately discovered
that it was the representation of Kali. They purposely fixed the image in
the thick of the jungle because human sacrifice was necessary for the Puja according to
the Tantras.
There is still another story that one Chow- rangi Giri; a
Saiva Sanyasi of Dasanami group discovered theimage and had consecrated the image and
since then the image is being worshipped there. It is interesting to mention that the area
Chow- ranghee, the most famous and fashionable part of Calcutta City takes its name after
this Chowrangi Giri Sanyasi. |