K. Roy in his
book 'The History of Calcutta' has traced the genealogy of the vendors from Laksmi Kanta
Mazumdar. Several of them were grandsons of Lakshi Kanta. The deed mentions: "We conjointly have sold and made a true and legal Conveyance
of the villages Dihi Kalikatah and Sutanuti within the juris- diction of Parganah Amirabad
and village Gobindpur under the jurisdiction of Parganahs Paikan and Kalikata to the
English Company with rents and un- cultivated lands and ponds and grooves and rights over
fishing and wood lands and dues from resident artisans together with the lands appertain-
ing thereto, bounded by the accustomed and usual Boundaries, the same being owned and
possessed by us (up to this time the thing sold being in fact and in law, free from
adverse rights or litigation forming a prohibition to a valid sale and transfer) in
exchange for the sum of one thousand and three hundred Rupees current coin of this time
including all rights and appurtenances thereof, internal or external, and the said
purchase money transferred to our possession from the possession of the said purchaser and
we have made over the afore said purchased thing to him and have excluded from this
agreement all false claims, and we have become absolute guarantors that if by chance any
person entitled to there fore said boundaries should come forward and defence thereof is
incumbent upon us , and henceforth neither we, nor our representatives absolutely or
entirely in no manner whatsoever, shall lay claim to the aforesaid boundaries nor shall
the charge of litigation fall upon the English Company. |