Tondaiman Man
Tiraiyan was ruling over Kanchi during the 2nd Century A.D. It was the northern frontier
of the Chola kingdom known as Tondaimandalam. From the 3rd to the 9th century A.D. Kanchi
was the capital of the Pallavas who ruled over the territory extending from the river
Krishna in the north to the river Kaveri in the south. The Pallavas fortified the city withramparts, moats, etc., with wide and well
laid out roads and fine temples. They were a great maritime power with contacts with
far-off China, Siam, Fiji, etc., through their chief Port Mamallapuram, the modern
Mahabalipuram. MahendravarmanI was a great scholar and musician, a man of great
intelligence and also a great playwright. The rock-cut temples of South India speak of the
glory and greatness of this illustrious ruler. Yuan Chwang, the great Chinese
traveler, visited the city in the 7th century and said that this city was 6 miles in
circumference and that its people were famous for bravery and piety as well as for their
love of justice and veneration for learning. He further recorded that Buddha had visited
the place.