This is how
Yathoktakari the Lord, who was ever so ready to abide by the wishes of the devotee, the
Azhwar, proved it by his action. The first and foremost of the Dravidian saints, Poigai
Azhwar (1017 - 1137 A.D.), was born in the immediate neighborhood of this temple and sang
in praise of the Lord. Vilakkoli Perumal
Mahavishnu is here given the name of Deepa Prakasa or the
Lustre of the Lamp. It is said that once Saraswati put a question to her husband Brahma:
"Who is greater, Lakshmi or P" Brahma quickly replied that Lakshmi was surely
the greater of the two. This unpleasant reply by her own consort made Saraswati goes away
from her husband. Brahma, who was then preparing for a big sacrifice, wanted her to take
her due place in the sacrificial rites as prescribed in the scriptures. But Saraswati
declined. Brahma became adamant and carried on the preparations himself all alone.
Saraswati put many obstacles in the way but Lord Vishnu himself appeared in several forms
and nullified the hindrances.
Once the whole place of sacrifice became pitch-dark, when
Mahavishnu appeared there and his lustre illuminated the place. This incident made
Saraswati realize that if the omnipotent lustre or the light of God is present, others
could cause no darkness. |