Finding Brahma
engaged in celebrating a sacrifice, Saraswati wanted to spoil its merits by washing away
the sacrificial area, and transformed herself into the form of River Vegavati. Brahma
started fervently praying to Lord Vishnu to save him from this predicament by arresting
the flow of the river. Mahavishnu came in the form Yathoktakari Perumal and laid he flat
against the course of the fast-flowing river, Just then Brahma concluded his yaga and
Mahavishnu emerged out in the form of Varadarajaswami. Brahma requested him to bless his
devotees for all time to come at this place and Mahavishnu conceded to his request and
remained manifested there in physical form. It is believed that Mahavishnu appeared to
Brahma in Krita Yuga, to Brihaspati in Dwapara Yuga and to Adhi Sesha in Kali Yuga. From the foregoing it is apparent that the image of Varadarajaswami is
nothing but the self-manifestation of Vishnu in the physical form. Nammazhwar, Bhooth-
azhwar, Vedanta Desika, Poigai Azhwar and Kuratazhwar and Appayya Dikshitar have all sung
in praise of Lord Varada - rajaswami. The Tatacharyas connected with this temple were very
orthodox in the observance of religious rites and rituals to their meticulous perfection
as prescribed in the scriptures. The same system of religious observance has been handed
down to their posterity and isstill observed. 'The Brahmotsava with its chief item the
Garudotsavani, which takes place in May - June every year, attracts lakhs of devotees from
all comers of the country. |