We have seen
earlier how Mahavishnu acted according to the desire of Brahma and saved him from having
to forsake the sacrifice started by him. Here, during the time when Tirumazhisai Azhwar
was doing his services in the temple, he had a great devotee by name Kanikannan, a gifted
poet. An old lady who had been a dancing girl in the King's court in her youth was very
much devoted to him (Kani Kannan) and he rejuvenated her into a girl of sweet sixteen by
pleasing the Lord with his songs. Seeing
her, the King also wanted to rejuvenate himself and therefore sought the help of
Kanikannan. But Kanikannan refused the request of the King, as his desires were for
mundane pleasures, whereas the rejuvenation of the old lady was meant to help her to serve
the Lord arid his devotees for a long time with all the strength of her body as desired by
her. The King wanted to use the good means for a bad end. He wanted to neglect the path of
Saranagati or self surrender, which is the essence of all religions. The King became
annoyed and banished Kanikannan from the city. Tirumazhisai Azhwar himself could not stay
in the city without his devotee Kanikannan. |