The great
Vaishnavite reformer,Ramanuja, who was born in sriperumbudur, spent his early years
in Kanchi and had hiseducation and spiritual enlightenment at the feet of Lord Varadaraja.
Alavandar, one of the greatest of the Vaishnava Acharyas, stayed here dedicating his life
to Lord Varadaraja. This is the place where the great devotee Tirukkachi Nambi, an elder
contemporary of Ramanuja, spent his life in the service of Lord Varadaraja and learnt the
six great principles of Visishta - dvaita philosophy from Lord Varadaraja Himself. The fourth of the twelve Azhwars, Tirumazhisai Azhwar, also lived here. The
hymns of the Azhwars in praise of the Lord, Divya Prabandam, are a perpetual source
of inspiration to all Vaishnavites.
The Nayanmars have praised the Lord here in their Tevarams.
Sundaramurti Nayanar regained his sight here. Sairt, Pattinathadigal also poured out his
divine songs in praise of Lord Ekambaranatha here. It is said that six out of the 63
Saivite Nayanmars belonged to Tondaimandalam of which Kanchi was the capital. It was here
that Adi Sankaracharya established the Kamakoti Peetham. Manimekalai sought salvation
here, through her service to humanity. |