Sri Ashtabhujam
Temple: This is a peculiar temple where Vishnu is
shown having eight hands. The Sthalapuranam says that when Brahma performed a yaga at
Kanchi the Asuras gave him trouble. The Devas came to his protection. Vishnu came in the
form of Narasimha and the Asuras ran away, but went on praying to Lord Siva to help them.
Lord Siva came in the form of Sarabha, the fierce animal with eight legs. Seeing the
Sarabha, Brahma prayed for help to Lord Vishnu who came with eight hands to defeat the
Sarabha. In the same temple there is the idol of Varahaswami where Vishnu gives darsan
with the face of a boar, his right leg touching the floor and his left placed on the head
of the two males and female booded serpents. Bhu Devi is sitting on the left thigh of Sri
Varahaswami who is holding her waist with the left hand and her feet with his right. |