the next day, the genii attended the royal banquet with his friends
and relatives numbering thousands and enjoyed the party to the
utmost. The lavish supply of the choicest; delicious dishes, and
bountiful and ungrumbled serving of the superfine drinks made the
genii express on its own behalf and other invited thankfulness to
the host for extending such a unique honour. Asoka accepted it and
at the same time requested the genii to pile up all the large and
heavy stones and slabs brought by them with provision for a chamber
at the base. The royal request was obeyed with great rejoicing. Soon
a great mountain was raised in the capital with a chamber of unusual
dimensions at the bottom as requested by Asoka.
thus came into existence the huge stone mountain found in
Pataliputra even today. It accommodated Vitasoka comfortably and
enabled the ideal brothers to carry on their avowed duty more
effectively than before. It also bears testimony to the superhuman
powers of Asoka, the royal monk of undying fame. Is not the word
'Impossibility' deleted form the life of godmen?