deranged the entire digestive system, that resulted in the
deterioration of health and unbearable agony. They applied pungent
substances like pepper and ginger in the form of powder and juice to
the worm to kill it. No action made its appearance. Many methods to
kill the worm were tried and tested, but in vain. When it was
touched with an onion as a last resort, it died immediately and
passed out of the intestines.
remedy was at last discovered. The elated queen then approached the
ailing king and requested him to eat an onion as a cure for his
ailment. Asoka shivered at its mention. He looked lost. It was a
food item for the outcastes only. Could a King of Asoka's type,
relish such talk? More so, the Buddhist royal monk? He ridiculed the
suggestion and laughed heartily at the stupidity of the physician,
who prescribed that. He declared that he would rather welcome his
end than to descend from his path.