the Queen again and again broached the topic. She dinned into his
ears powerfully to eat an onion and timely. She pleaded and begged,
"My Lord, your health is important. Life is precious. You need
it more, and the country most. Every thing depends upon it now.
Please swallow it as physic. It cures your ailment at once. Please
take it".
persistent appeals and constant goading Asoka agreed; first time in
life to relax the conditions in his diet, he unwillingly swallowed
an onion closing eyes
and nose to avoid its sight and smell. As proved already, the onion
killed the worm forthwith, and it passed out of the intestines as
expected. Recovery appeared, and soon his health and strength
started blooming to the astonishment of his subjects and kith an
kin. He enjoyed sound, perfect health ever afterwards. Hail the
discovery and long live the system. Asoka was thus saved from the
untimely death. The queen deserves the highest award, as a matter of