Highly elated, she blessed it instantly with face beaming
inexplicable joy at his unprecedented humanism. Later
he was born to a famous Vysya named Kalhar to fulfill his ambition. Being a
varaprasadi, he was extra-ordinarily brilliant and equipped himself with the
adorable wisdom, enshrined in the Vedavedangas together with skills of his
profession and community crafts. Before Upanayana - investiture of sacred thread
celebrated in his twelfth year symbolizing the dwija status, he become full
fledged in his chosen profession.
And married Kusumamba, the daughter of Manikundala, a noble Vysya with great name. He ruled from
Penugonda, his
capital, the territory bequeathed to him, and acquired a great name as a loyal
feudal baron. Although blessed with wealth, position, health, knowledge and
name, he was without santhan - children. He did everything as enjoined in the
scriptures, and at long last, with the performance of putra kamesti yaga, he wa
blessed with lovely twins - male and female children of unparalleled beauty,
piety, nobility and dignity.
were given to him as prayed for, and with
the monumental sacrifice demonstrated by Vasavi, his darling daughter, he
attained moksha along with 101 gotrikas. He left behind a glittering history
that lives as long as the Sun retains his heat and light and the moon his
fragrant coolness.