the building of Navabrahma temple group, the Sthalapurana gives a
fantastic account. Though seems incredible, it registers the potency
of devotion, and establishes the truth that for god men, nothing is
impossible; they can build sky scrapers too at volition in seconds.
This axiomatic truth is exemplified in the life of a widow and her
only son, responsible for building the Navabrahma group of temples.
story begins in Varanasi and ends in Hemalapura. It says - there was
a pious of widow in Varanasi in the dim past. She was devout and
just, and was known for he: righteous living and ideal thinking. Not
satisfied with her leading a godly life, she wanted to bequeath it
to posterity through her progeny. So in all sincerity and with
utmost piety, she prayed to Lord Viswanath, her heart's choicest God
to bless her with a son. Though she was extremely joyous over the
fulfilment of desire, soon she found the society's causeless malice
- when the rancorous missiles and wanton hatred dumped upon her, she
found life too heavy to bear. She regretted. She bore, but when her
noble son too was forced to bite the bitter, venomous fruits, the
society gave to him, her motherly heart fluttered. Abused and
excommunicated by one and all, he narrated the dishonour meted out
to him. And asked for a solution. Pointing to the Lord Viswanath,
she said that that greatest alone could confer beatitude, and lift
him from the bog of shame dragging him to the bottom minute after