most remarkable distinction that characterizes the groups of temples
extant at Alampur- once flourishing city went by the most honorific
names of Hemalapura and Hatampura, is the existence of temples for
Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswar, the most exalted Divinities of the
Hindu pantheon almost side by side in the same precincts. This
singularity is quite awe-some, and nowhere in our Akhanda Bharat
such commendable cohabitation and honourable coexistence of the the
Gods of highest rank is found. The holy city of Hemalapura deserves
the first seat in the front row among the temples of India on all
counts. Its plus points are legion and stun the visitors, at every
step of their journey and fill their souls with inexplicable
ecstatic joy throughout. Set -amidst the Nature's bounteous scenic splendor
with river Tungabhadra flowing almost in the centre, this
Brahma-Hari-Hara thritha kshetra is luring thousands of theists
throughout the year since the legendary past. Its unique features
galore can spread over several hundreds of pages of reverent study;
for it is the first of many BESTS for all classes of persons, and
exercises fascination on any person at any point of time.