Ahobalam!! Twice was this repeated. From , up above the skies it
came. By the celestials it was uttered. To the man on earth it
applied. A resounding chorus at the highest pitch at it. Heaven
danced in ecstasy, and the Earth burst into hystorical cries! There
was joy in surfeit here, there and everywhere. This exuberant
general rejoicing over the death of Hiranyakasipu published to the
worlds the omnipresence of the omnipotent Providence, whose
mightiest arms slit open the stomach of a mightier brother of that
mighty Hiranyaksha, who displayed his super abundant, extraordinary
muscle power by rolling the Earth like a mat and hurling it into the
fathomless ocean. That heinous death, rid the worlds of the most
dreadful demon, whose very name sent Devendra into hiding more than
once. Hence the utterance"... Narasimham Param devam
Ahobalam! Ahobalam!! by the devathas. En masse. It was uttered
there high above, but referred to a person and place down below.
Though this legend and its quintessence is flowing in the veins of
every Hindu right from infancy, it is a pity that almost all are
unaware of the exact place of action and time of action of that