at seeing him coming out of the excruciating ordeals, Hiranyakasipu
demanded his son to show that Highest Him in the pillar pointing to
one. Prahlad accepting the challenge asked him to put his might to
test. Eying into rage he gave the pillar a blow. Then emerged there
the mightiest Narasimha the most dreadful and dragging him to the
portal dipped his sharp dagger-like nails into his stomach. And
silenced his Ahambrahmasmi creed once for all. Prahlad's mighty
evolved soul was thus saved. And he was installed as the ruler both
over secular and spiritual worlds. And this happened here and this
went by the name of Ahobalam, a fitting name for a place, where the
mightiest might of Omnipotent was demonstrated, and what is more His
Omnipresence was proved by that grand pillar, and is adored with
great fervour.