he used to taunt Sri Rama for his indifference, but the next moment
he repented and cried like child. Taken together and examined
deeply, each song is infused with devotion and his understanding of
God, which by any standard is superb and exemplary. The diction is
simple yet sublime and the rhyme unequalled in grace and lilt. Even
his taunts find justification, since it is common with all the god-toxicated,
for whom God is all and see Him in all and with whom they have
established kinship of supreme type to resort to cajoling, blaming,
crying, repenting, praying until at last they merge in Him. Well,
with whom else can they take liberty than with their Maker? Their
license, prattle, blames are dear to their Lords, who with smiles
wreathing their faces see, hear and enjoy for a time, and finding
them all coming out of the unbearable ordeal, they hasten to succour,
sometime running, at times impersonating as the adorers. They only
send misfortunes in battalions to cleanse their bodies of all the
dross and gross and make them fit to receive Sannidhya, Salokya,
Sarupya, Sayujya mukti according to their choice. This remarkable
bhakta prayed for immediate release from the shackles of Nizam,
possible only on payment of the amount to the extent of