little village possesses yet another great marvel Uma Kamandaleswar
shrine lying just a kilometre off this one. It is situated right
opposite, separated by the road running in the centre of the
village, as it were. By and large its legend too is of no mean
distinction. Though this shrine is small, comparatively modest in
construction and the extent of occupancy, its legend too is quite
grand and gripping, and moreover traces the origin of the name of
this place, called the famous Ratnapuri once.
fascinating beginning springs from the cause of the episode of
Ksheerasagaramadana by both devas and danavas. In order to safeguard
themselves from the mortifying brutal acts of danavas, always
culminating in fatality, devas decided to achieve immortality by
drinking - amrit - nectar-a single draught of which makes the
drinker immune from death. After due consultation, churning of
Ksheerasagara for nectar was found to be the only possibility of
becoming death-proof. At once arrangements were made with the hearty
cooperation of danavas by making Vasuki as rope for churning, with
Mahavishnu bearing Mandara Parvatha on his back to facilitating
successful completion. When halahalam emerged from the ocean, Lord
Siva drank in to saving the worlds from instant conflagration, and
in consequence grew drowsy for a while. During then emerged from the
ocean, Iravatha, Lakshmi, Uchaisravam etc., which were owned by
devas by tricking out the danavas. With the appearance of the pot of
nectar, both parties turned uproarious with equal claims.