the image of the principal deity adorning the garbha griha casts
spells on the beholders by its size, shape, sculpture, source and
sanctity. Singly or severally. Indeed, it is customary to bestow
special attention on the designing of the archamurthi, and it
depends mainly upon the patron's religious inclinations, of course,
making provisions to the local traditions. Tradition and sculptural
science have elaborate accounts dealing with the making of images.
As the Presiding deity blesses the adorers and fulfills their
desires. the donors too shape their aspirations in
strict accordance with the Agamic injunctions. Elaborate rituals and
auspicious occasions are chosen both for making and installation of
the idols. The idols that emerge to receiving all kinds of prayer
services are of several types- some of them are designed in
reclining posture, many are standing, and many more are sitting. And
their facial expressions and gestures too are not of the same kind -
some of the images have fearful facial expressions.