version gives yet another queer version of the finding of the rare
image. The present region of the Atreya Mandala was once a primeval
forest-impenetrable even for a stroll. Then came here by chance one
day a sailor, brought by a tempestuous gale that developed all on a
sudden when he was sailing alone in his boat. To avoiding further
damage to his person from it, he started doubling up to a place of
safety; Then he heard soul-lifting hymnal songs sung in chorus.
Charmed by its melody he hurried in its direction. To his good
fortune then, he saw this enchanting image near by a big boulder. As
he was feasting his eyes with its unearthly beauty, he heard an
aerial voice, "Dear Sailor, due to creditable merit you gained
in your past life, you came to this sacred spot and found this
quaint image. Take this home at once and install it at the place
where your boat comes to a sudden stop.