the frenzy reached the zenith, he started imitating her dance poses.
That is what was expected. Seeing him totally out of wits, she
placed her hands
on head. He imitated, there went up then in smoke his whole form,
passion etc. Though the second differed a little, it has the same
beginning and ending.
Hariharaputra thus born was taken home by Rajasekhara the righteous
king of Pandalam for adapting and making him the heir to throne.
his birth took place thus, it has another fascinating story behind
and a divine purpose to be fulfilled by him. His birth was eagerly
anticipated and ardently prayed for too.
is entwined with the lives of Dattatreya and his wife Leela, and
through them the deliverance to Devendra and gods from the
tyrannical rule of Mahishasura, who ruled Devaloka on deposing
Devendra after a 100 year war.