story is long and characters involved are many. It begins with Dhanu,
a powerful asura, who had two sons by name Ramba and Karamba. Both
the sons propitiated Lord Agni for grant of unlimited sway over the
universes, and began dhirga tapas, Karamba standing in neck deep
water, while Ramba in big blazing fire. Apprehending ouster from the
result of penance, Devendra taking the form of crocodile killed
at the untimely death of brother, Ramba attempted suicide, but it,
was thwarted by Lord Agni himself, who appearing asked him to name
his desire. Ramba asked for a son who would not be killed by
Surasuras, or even manavas in any way. It was readily granted. As he
was returning home triumphant, he saw a bewitching she-buffalo. Its
form enchanted him.
at once turned into a he-buffalo and quenched his Kamadaha, but this
was resented by a wild, native buffalo, the son of the soil. So it
entered into fray and killed Ramba. But it had a strange ending.
Seeing the he-buffalo slain, the chaste she-buffalo died in the
funeral pyre.