The Kovils Of Kerala
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Temples Of India


From the ashes was born Mahisasura, a formidable asura of great prowess. Knowing the cause of the death of his uncle Karamba, he prayed to Lord Brahma, and after centuries of penance obtained the boon from Vidhata that he would not be killed by any male. No sooner did he obtain it, he declared war against Devendra, and after a 100 year war, succeeded to his throne. He then unleashed a reign of terror. 

The afflicated supplicated the Trinity for instant assistance. To relieving the devas from the onslaught of Mahishasura, the Trio created Durga, under the name of Chandika, out of their combined emerges and accumulated powers, Chandika thus born took her seat, atop the highest summit of the Vindhyas. 

As if to herald her descent to end Mahishasura, she burst into such uproarious laughter that the whole mountain shook to its foundations. This indeed too much for egoistical danava to hear and much less to bypass. There began a fierce encounter between the two. Needless to prolong that the daivasakti scored a thumping, resounding victory over the danavadhama. Alas! the devas were neither freed, nor enjoyed even a momentary relief; for Mahishi, the cousin of Mahishasura took up the lost cause and started wreaking vengeance on the suras. The Mahishi advent needs elucidation now.

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The Pilgrimage...Pg.1
The Pilgrimage...Pg.2
The Temple