Sadhakas visiting the shrine after the rigorous austerities gain
several merits. The 41 days Vrata naturally cleanses the systems;,
continence turns the mind upwards and loosens the grip of attachment
to the Momentary thrills. When god-mindedness is enkindled, the
Sadhaka's spiritual world gets illumined, resulting in the
development of adorable virtues, like mutual regard, love,
dedication etc. So he becomes physically, mentally and spiritually
symbolic significance too has much to elevate and enliven the
Sadhaka. The pilgrimage is a kind to soul's journey to meet the
Highest for Sayujya mukti-merging of the jivatma with the Paramatma.
Carrying on Irumudi holding eatables in one compartment and the ghee
filled coconut in the other has yet a connotation of supreme
on the journey, the Sadhaka subsist on and empties the enables
contained in the rear compartment, which amounts to exhausting of
prarabdha Karma before merging, and the abhisekam of ghee containing
in the coconut signifies merging of the soul with the supreme.