sooner did he arrive in devaloka confrontation began. Mahishi though
put up a stout resistance with all her allies, met with death. When
Manikanta threw her corpse on the bank of Alasa, Leela emerging
prayed for a strange boon - she requested the slayer to take her as
his wife. Chuckling to himself, he said that he would take her,
provided there was no Kanni Ayyappan -first time visitor worshipper
in a particular year to shoot an arrow at the Saramkuttiyal - the
name of a banyan tree which is shot at by every novitiate pilgrim.
jumped with joy and started waiting for the dawn of the year, when
there would be no novitiate worshipper Kanni Ayyappa to shoot at the
tree. She has been waiting, waiting... Alas! her waiting would be
endless and be certainly stretched to infinity, for there is
witnessed a speedy, uninterrupted rapid increase of novitiates to
the temple since then. Thus the stupid she - buffalo Mahishi is out
witted. Was not her object strange? Stranger was the condition set!!
And strangest was Ayyappa's wit!!! Avarice must be modest, else...