dinning into the ears over yugas that perfect equality and
unhindered freedom in matters of worship alone ensures harmony in
society, it is neither practiced nor encouraged. Hence decadence.
Out right. But this all-adorable Ayyappa cult, built upon the very
ruins of that sadly neglected factor has become instrumental in such
phenomenal growth that none but itself can lay claim for equality.
Hats off to the reformer.
strength and secret of its unprecedented popularity lie in the core
of ritual code it prescribed and injunctions it set for the
prospective Ayyappa. They are, in fact, simple and sublime, pressing
neither self-mortification, like fasting or doing penance for years,
nor depletion of the hoarded money on yagnas or abhishekas
is another principal factor for its rapid dissemination and ever
swelling dimensions. Astounding it sounds that the number of
Ayyappas visiting the sacred Hills has crossed millions in a very
short period of, say three or four decades. "How"
and "Why" takes us to the origin of this cult, and its
method of, initiation for constant propitiation
of that Dharma Sastha, revealing himself in meditation posture in
his august abode, atop the Sabarimalai.