Vemulavada, the prestigious Saiva kshetra of immense spiritual significance boasts of several ancient temples in its vicinity
like Nageswaraalayam, Venugopalaswamy Aalayam, Kanakaduraga Aalayam, Mahalaskhmi Aalayam, Kedarswara Aalayam,
Sitala Devaalayam, Bhimeswaraalayam, in addition to Narasimhaswamy Aalayam.
The Narasimhaswamy Aalayam is situated in the town itself. It is exercising great attraction, though lying in a predominant
Saiva kahetra, and proving that it is a Harihara kshetra. It is a moderately built ancient temple possessing all the parts. And
an independent one at it. Vaikhanasa Agama worship is offered here and the periodical festivals are celebrated with due
zeal and reverence.
At a distance of 4 km, there is another Narasimha kshetra lying on' a hillock going by the name of Nampalligutta. This
possesses like other temples all the parts in addition to a cave called Navanatha guha deemed to be very sacred; on
account of the worshipful deities it is enshrining in its interior part. In the proximity of this temple there lie many historical',
places, like Sarangadharagundu, Ratnangikallu and Chitrangimetta, connected with the great emperor Narendra.
It lies at a distance of 25 km from Karimnagar in Andhra Pradesh, accessible by bus.