Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
For concentration, such purity of life is essential. Thought of outward objects should be avoided. Man's life is not long but he has the power, even in this brief life, to taste the bliss of God. Two men may appear to be cast in the same mould - two eyes, a nose in between and two nostrils. Thus the two men are similar, and yet one is like a god, the other a beast. Why so? Both are children of the same God - "all pots of the same clay" - but why this difference? One can hardly believe they belong to the same species. While one is a god in human form, the other is a monkey!

12. Both in past ages and amongst us today, there have been men who know what heights man can rise to. This is a matter of experience. Now as in the past, there have been men to show what power there is in the human body. If man can achieve such miracles, dwelling in the body, why then can I not? Why should I set limits to my imagination? I too have the same human body with which others have become heroes of humanity; why then should I be in this plight? I am making some mistake. My mind is always roaming abroad. It is so busy judging others. But where is the need for me to judge others?

"Why look at the good and bad in others;
Are my own faults few?"
If I am always absorbed in observing tiny little things in others, how can my mind become one-pointed? In this condition, I can only be one of two things, asleep (in a state of nothingness) or distracted (at many points). I am caught in tamas or rajas. It is true that the Lord tells us how to sit, how to direct the eyes and so on, to make the mind one-pointed. But it is only when we have first realized the need for one-pointedness, that these have value. Once a man is firmly convinced of the indispensability of one-pointedness, then he will seek and find for himself the means to attain it.

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About Controlling The Mind
Keenness for self-development..Pg.1
Keenness for self-development..Pg.2
Keenness for self-development..Pg.3
Keenness for self-development..Pg.4
One-pointedness of mind..Pg.1
One-pointedness of mind..Pg.2
One-pointedness of mind..Pg.3

How to achieve one-pointedness..Pg.1

How to achieve one-pointedness..Pg.2

How to achieve one-pointedness..Pg.3

How to achieve one-pointedness..Pg.4

Living within bounds...Pg.1
Living within bounds...Pg.2
Friendly outlook...Pg.1
Friendly outlook...Pg.2
Friendly outlook...Pg.3
Friendly outlook...Pg.4
Friendly outlook...Pg.5
Practice, detachment, faith...Pg.1
Practice, detachment, faith...Pg.2