by day my conviction becomes stronger that the effect of this formal
education is just nothing. The impressions formed in the earliest
years are set as in hard cement. Latter education is like
superficial plastering or the color wash outside. By using soap and
water, you can wash off dirt from the body, but how to wash off
color of one's skin? Thus the first impressions are hard to remove.
How is it that the first impressions are so strong, and the latter
ones weak? It is because in childhood one-pointedness of mind comes
naturally. Because of this one-pointedness of mind, impressions then
received are indelible. Such is the power of one-pointedness. There
is nothing impossible for those who have it.
24. Today our whole life has
become artificial. Our childhood is lost to us. There is no
richness, no real joy in life, it has dried up. We act waywardly,
capriciously. It is not Darwin but we ourselves that prove by
actions that the ape is our ancestor.
The little child is trustful. Its
mother's word is its authority. It never occurs to it to question
the truth of the stories it hears. "The crow said,"
"The sparrow said," - all this sounds true to the child.
Because of this innocence and friendliness, the child becomes easily
one-pointed. |