we approach it, it would fly away at once, afraid that we mean to
kill it. Those whose minds are filled with the fearful idea that the
whole world destroys and devours, what can they know of peace? So
long as the thought that I alone defend myself, and all others are
devourers, does not leave the mind, there can be no one-pointedness.
For this, the best means is the bhavana, the attitude of
equality. Once you start seeing friendliness everywhere, the mind
will, of itself, attain peace.
20. Take an unhappy man to the
banks of a clear running river. At the sight of the pure, calm,
flowing water he ceases to be restless, he forgets his troubles.
Whence did this moving water gain such power? The benign power of
God is manifested through this. The Vedas are full of beautiful
descriptions of streams -
"atishthantiinaam anivesanaanaam".
Such are these streams. The stream flows
without a break, it has no resting-place, no home of its own, it is
a sannyasi. Such a pure stream calms my mind in a moment.
When I look at such a lovely stream, will not a spring of love and
wisdom well up in my heart? |