Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
3. Therefore, don't raise a fence round yourself, saying, "I am stupid, I am an ordinary fellow, wallowing in worldliness." Don't say, "What can I do? My whole being is contained in this six-foot body." And don't raise such boundary walls around yourself and behave like an animal. Be bold enough to move forward and climb upward.

"Uddharet atmanaatmaanam naatmaanamavasaadayet."

"Let a man raise the self by the Self; let him not debase himself."

Have a courage to say, "I shall surely lift myself up." Do not kill the power of your mind, thinking, "I am a worthless worldly creature." Do not clip the wings of imagination; spread them out. Take the chandul as your model. When it sees the rising sun, it thinks it can reach the sun, and flies towards it. We too should be like that. However high the poor chandul flies, can it ever reach the sun? But through the imagination, it can certainly attain the sun.

But our behavior is just the opposite. We do not rise even as high as we can, but instead, we cramp our imagination, weaken our power of growth, and so flutter down to earth. Even the power that is ours, we lose by undervaluing it. When imagination is crippled one cannot but fall down. Let the imagination, therefore, be upward-looking. Since man progresses with the help of the imagination, do not throttle it.

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About Controlling The Mind
Keenness for self-development..Pg.1
Keenness for self-development..Pg.2
Keenness for self-development..Pg.3
Keenness for self-development..Pg.4
One-pointedness of mind..Pg.1
One-pointedness of mind..Pg.2
One-pointedness of mind..Pg.3

How to achieve one-pointedness..Pg.1

How to achieve one-pointedness..Pg.2

How to achieve one-pointedness..Pg.3

How to achieve one-pointedness..Pg.4

Living within bounds...Pg.1
Living within bounds...Pg.2
Friendly outlook...Pg.1
Friendly outlook...Pg.2
Friendly outlook...Pg.3
Friendly outlook...Pg.4
Friendly outlook...Pg.5
Practice, detachment, faith...Pg.1
Practice, detachment, faith...Pg.2