Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


What Will the Future Humanity Be Like?

We must first shift to a clean form of technology, relying on solar and other renewable resources, and discarding oil and other "dirty" forms of power that damage and pollute the Earth who is our Mother. We must gradually reintegrate our cities into Nature by reducing their size and creating more parks and a greater space between houses. We must restore the quality of our food, air and water by reducing our reliance on chemicals and fostering organic methods of agriculture. We must place larger regions of the planet into Nature reserves where plants and animals can live without human interference or exploitation. We must reduce our consumption of meat and establish a more vegetarian diet.

We must return to natural forms of healing using herbs, diet, and body work such as is found in Ayurveda. We must develop a new psychology that considers the yogic knowledge of the higher levels of the mind and the role of karma. We must recognize our connection with the universe through occult sciences like astrology. We must gradually move in the direction of a global language, for which Sanskrit will probably be the best prototype. We must create an educational approach that encourages creativity and deep inquiry, rather than the mere memorizing of information or gaining of mechanical skills.

We must move away from sectarian and exclusivist religions and return to universal ethical values of non-violence and human unity. We must develop internal approaches to the spiritual life through yogic practices and meditation, and cease to rely on external forms of churches, books, and rituals. We must learn to see the universe not as matter or energy but as Consciousness. We must promote self-discipline, self-control and the building of character in order to create real leaders, giving up the culture of sensation, entertainment and instant gratification. We must restore the family system and community life, not as a rigid formation promoting narrow beliefs, but as an open and organic unfoldment of human and universal interconnectedness.

If we do not do these things voluntarily Nature will bring us shocks through our wrong behavior to impel us in this direction. But certainly it will be done and future generations, after making these changes, will be inclined to look back upon the twentieth century as a dark age of dirty technology, genocide, and global exploitation, which unfortunately it has been if we look at it at honestly.

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