Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


How Does Hinduism View Western Civilization?

Western civilization is a comparatively recent phenomenon compared to older spiritual cultures like the Hindu which go back over five thousand years and recognize previous world ages going back far into what Western historical accounts describe as the pre-historic era. For Hindus the modern era began with the Buddha some 2500 years ago, when what was for them the ancient era ended. Hindus view Christianity and Islam as new religions also, which have therefore yet to develop the proper depth and tolerance that experience teaches.

According to Hindu thinkers Western civilization is still immature and at an adolescent phase wherein personal pleasure and sensory indulgence (Kama) are the most important values. Western civilization, except in areas dominated by fundamentalist religions, has advanced beyond the childhood phase, represented by the Middle Ages, when people were like frightened children dominated by religious authority (externally projected parental images).

 But it has not developed any real spiritual tradition. It produced a few mystics in the Middle Ages but no enduring science of Self-realization and yogic practices. Western art has also floundered without any spiritual roots and become mere personal expression leading either to anarchy or nihilism but not at all connecting us up with the cosmic powers which true art is meant to.

To the Hindu mind Western civilization and its adolescent values is destroying the planet and its deeper cultural traditions. However Western civilization at least has a freedom of inquiry and curiosity about the world that must lead it toward deeper knowledge in time, but as a cultural phenomenon on any large scale, this may take decades, if not centuries to develop, which is not surprising as the life of civilization is measured in thousands of years, not centuries. Western thinkers should remain humble and not get trapped in the arrogance of the intellect, then this development can occur quicker and with less suffering.

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