What is the Hindu View of the
New Age?
Various cycles of
civilization and different ages of humanity have come and gone
through the great movement of time. Our current civilization is
neither the first nor the last, nor the highest nor the lowest.
Hinduism as Sanatana Dharma
has witnessed the rise and fall of the civilizations of the world
since ancient Egypt and Sumeria, and has an awareness of previous
world ages thousands of years before the present cycle of
civilization that began at the end of the last Ice Age.
It both understands these cyclical changes
and remains grounded in the Eternal Truth which transcends them.
Many people today,
particularly with the change of the millennium, are looking for the
dawn of a New Age of spiritual knowledge or global civilization.
More specifically, the New Age movement is a name for much of the
new thinking in spirituality, religion, and healing that has emerged
in the Western world over the past few decades.
It includes a number of
strands with Eastern enlightenment traditions, Western occult
approaches and various new ideas in health, psychology, sociology
and ecology. It has a prophetic trend and strongly futuristic
vision. |