How I Became A Hindu - My Discovery of Vedic Dharma
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
With their trappings of suffering, sin and guilt Catholic beliefs seemed more part of the human world rather than that other magical realm where human turbulence couldn’t enter. My parents were the first generation off the farm in the post-war era and came to live in the city. Because of their Catholic background, which at that time was against any form of contraception, they were compelled to have many children like their parents. Many children in the city didn’t mean more helpers as on the farm but only more mouths to feed and more expenses for education.

My mother had ten children by the time she was thirty-five, with a new baby every two years. I was the second child, born when she was twenty-one. I had one elder brother, seven younger sisters and one younger brother. The family size inevitably led us into financial difficulty. My parents were the first casualties of the church mind that I would soon come to oppose. The most memorable events as a child were our weekend visits to my grandparent’s farm (on my mother’s side), which was still in the old world and almost European. They had a huge house, as well as a big farm with barns, cows and a wide pasture. They had large dinners, holiday gatherings and a sense of family togetherness extending through several generations.

Though our lives gradually moved away from this traditional Catholic religious background, it was there at the beginning and foundation of my life. It lingers here and there in my dreams, like a shadow out of which I gradually emerged.

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About Early Years 
Growing Up Out ....Pg1
Growing Up Out ....Pg2
Younger Years ....Pg1 
Younger Years ....Pg2
Younger Years ....Pg3
Younger Years ....Pg4
Younger Years ....Pg5
Younger Years ....Pg6
Younger Years ....Pg7
Science And History...Pg1
Science And History...Pg2
Science And History ...Pg3
Intellectual Awakening...Pg1
Intellectual Awakening...Pg2
Intellectual Awakening...Pg3
Intellectual Awakening...Pg4
Mystical Poetry .....Pg1
Mystical Poetry .....Pg2
Mystical Poetry .....Pg3
Mystical Poetry .....Pg4
The Anti-War Movement...Pg1
The Anti-War Movement...Pg2