How I Became A Hindu - My Discovery of Vedic Dharma
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Books By David Frawley

Mystical Poetry and Discovery of Eastern Spirituality

Throughout this intellectual revolt I never lost sight of a higher reality. I fancied myself to be a "mystical atheist" because though I rejected the Biblical idea of a personal God I did recognize an impersonal consciousness or pure being behind the universe. I also remember reading Herman Hesse’s Journey to the East. I learned that there were great spiritual and mystical traditions in the East that perhaps still existed. I began my own journey to the East. Meanwhile I also studied European poetry and art. I particularly enjoyed the French symbolist poets like Rimbaud and Mallarme who had a mystic vision. 

The German mystic poet Rilke, however, was my favorite and best epitomized what I thought real poetry should be. Poetry had a depth and ambiguity that philosophy could not reach. I realized that it was a better vehicle to reflect this mysterious universe in which we live. I examined twentieth century European artistic movements like the Surrealists and Dadaists as well. While I enjoyed their images and ideas I felt that their style of expression had become crude. I preferred something more classical in art. The modern art of the machine, the newspaper or the mass media seemed vulgar. I could not relate to the degradation found in modern art, particularly what transpired after World War II. 


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About Early Years 
Growing Up Out ....Pg1
Growing Up Out ....Pg2
Younger Years ....Pg1 
Younger Years ....Pg2
Younger Years ....Pg3
Younger Years ....Pg4
Younger Years ....Pg5
Younger Years ....Pg6
Younger Years ....Pg7
Science And History...Pg1
Science And History...Pg2
Science And History ...Pg3
Intellectual Awakening...Pg1
Intellectual Awakening...Pg2
Intellectual Awakening...Pg3
Intellectual Awakening...Pg4
Mystical Poetry .....Pg1
Mystical Poetry .....Pg2
Mystical Poetry .....Pg3
Mystical Poetry .....Pg4
The Anti-War Movement...Pg1
The Anti-War Movement...Pg2