We moved at first to the suburbs in Denver, which was
a big city. Unlike the small towns in which we had mainly lived, it opened me up to
broader cultural influences. This was particularly so since, owing to financial
constraints, we had to enter public school for the first time. The public schools removed
me from religious indoctrination. My mind grew under new stimulation. At first we were
wary of public school, because in parochial (Catholic) school we were taught that public
school was dangerous. It was irreligious, didnt teach about God, and allowed people
to mix regardless of their faiths. I had to learn to compartmentalize religion, forget its
rigidities, and just be in school with other children.
As school children it seemed to matter little what our religious
background was and it was seldom a topic of discussion or consideration. In my first year
of public school I become deeply interested in science, particularly astronomy in which we
had a special class that entranced me. The Catholic schools of the time had little by way
of science classes. Soon I was reading books on physics, cosmology and relativity. I may
not have understood the details but my view of the universe made a radical shift. I began
to connect my innate mystical sense with the scientific vastness of a cosmos unbounded
time and space. Compared to these great vistas of science the Catholic Church appeared
narrow and backward.