Karma-yoga is also referred to as
Karma-yoga, Seva, selfless service, Buddhi yoga, yoga of work, science of proper action,
and yoga of equanimity. A
Karma-yogi works for the Lord as a matter of duty without a selfish desire for the fruits of work, or any
attachment to results. The word Karma also means duty, action, deeds, work, or the results of past
deeds. Those who are resolute have only one thought (of Self-realization), but the thoughts of
the irresolute are end-less and many-branched, O Arjuna. (2.41)
The unwise who delight in flowery words (or the
chanting of the Vedas without understanding the real meaning) stress Karma-Kaanda,
the ritualistic aspect of the
Vedas, O Arjuna, and say that there is nothing else (except material
enjoyment). (2.42)