A yogi is aware of the thing (or Atma) about which
others are unaware. A sage who sees is unaware of the experience (of sense objects) about which others are aware.(2.69)
One attains peace in whose mind all desires enter with
out creating any disturbance, as river waters enter the full ocean without creating a disturbance. One who
desires material objects is never peaceful. (2.70)
One who abandons all desires and becomes free from
longing and the feeling of 'I' and 'my' attains peace. (2.71)
O Arjuna, this is the Braahmee or superconscious state.
Attaining this (state), one is no longer deluded. Gaining this state, even at the end of one's life, a person attains
oneness with the Supreme. (2.72). |